Why You Need To Put a Crayon in Your Wallet When Traveling

Traveling is an exciting adventure, and you can’t go anywhere without your beloved wallet full of everything from credit cards to receipts. What about putting a crayon in your wallet with all other important things when traveling?

Sure, it sounds like something that would be more at home in a preschool classroom than when you’re visiting the Eiffel Tower or exploring Machu Picchu, but there are actually some very good reasons why packing a crayon into your wallet for traveling makes sense.

No matter if you’re traveling by air or hitting the road, read on and see why bringing along a small crayon during your travels could prove invaluable!

Here are just a few practical reasons why you should consider putting a crayon in your wallet when you are traveling: 

How Can Crayons Be Useful While Traveling?

why put a crayon in your wallet when traveling

Marking Luggage 

If your luggage is similar to other passengers, mark yours with a bright color to stand out. A crayon works perfectly for this since it won’t wear off easily and can be seen from a distance. 

Making Fire

Wax, the material used in crayons, is flammable. So if you get stranded somewhere and need to start a fire for warmth or cooking, you can use your crayon as fuel to help ignite the kindling. 

Emergency Writing

Suppose you have a paper map or other form of written instruction that is too small to read in dim lighting. In that case, you can use your crayon as a makeshift pen to transfer the information onto a larger piece of paper. This will make reading the instructions easier for you and others in your party. 

Crayon can prevent falling out cards or cash from your wallet 

Crayons, the humble tool for creative expression, might be the solution to preventing items from falling out of your wallet.

Rubbing a white or light-colored crayon along the edges of your wallet creates a barrier that helps reduce friction and prevent valuables from slipping out. This hack has been used for years by outdoors enthusiasts, who would rub a piece of paraffin wax on their gear to keep them dry and prevent water damage.

The same principle applies to preventing items from slipping out of your wallet. It’s important to note that this trick only works well with leather wallets, as synthetic materials may also not respond to the wax barrier.

So next time you find yourself frantically searching for that lost credit card, consider reaching for a crayon instead of a wallet chain.

Crayon can help to keep your cards straight 

Crayons may seem like a simple tool, but they can do wonders for protecting your cards. Additionally, crayons can prevent your wallet from bending, reducing the likelihood of damaging your cards.

Make sure you wedge a credit card, identity card, or any social security card between the crayon and the wallet so it doesn’t bend.

Crayon can help to make your wallet heavy if you have only cards instead of cash

By embracing the world of digital payments, wallets are rapidly becoming much less cumbersome. But with fewer items to carry around comes an increased risk of loss – after all, how easy is it for cards and cash to escape from an almost-empty wallet? 

An empty wallet can be risky- since it’s so lightweight, there may not be enough hold to keep all your belongings safe and secure. But with more content comes greater stability– jammed wallets offer less chances of letting any cards or cash slip out! Add a crayon to a wallet to make it a little heavier.

Crayon can save your life in some odd situations

Did you know that a humble crayon can save your life? It might sound impossible, but the wax-based coloring stick can be a lifesaver in numerous situations. 

For instance, if you are lost in the wilderness, a crayon can help you mark your way back by leaving a trail on trees or rocks. The vibrant colors of crayons can also help you signal for help, especially if you need to be rescued from a remote area. 

Additionally, you can use a crayon to start a fire during an emergency. Simply scrape off the wax and use it as a fire starter. Its compact size makes it a convenient tool to carry in your backpack or emergency kit. 

Moreover, crayons are non-toxic, which means they can be used to mark food packaging, identify poisonous plants or wildlife, and even mark your skin for medical professionals to see in case of injury. 

All in all, while crayons may seem like just a simple tool for kids to use for coloring, they can serve a much greater purpose in aiding survival when in need.

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How to select the right crayon for your needs

1. Consider the Purpose – First and foremost, think about why you’re packing a crayon. Will you need it to draw or leave notes on paper or other surfaces? The answer to this question will help determine which crayon type you should choose. Wax crayons, for example, are great for coloring but may not work as well for leaving notes on paper.

2. Think About Size – Crayons come in all different sizes, from tiny travel-sized ones to jumbo crayons. For travel purposes, it’s best to use a small, portable crayon that won’t take up too much space in your wallet or carry-on bag.

3. Go for a Multi-Purpose Crayon – If you’re still unsure which crayon to choose, consider a multi-purpose one. There are crayons available with multiple colors and ones with a gel-like consistency for writing on surfaces besides paper.

Advantages of having a crayon In Your Wallet when Traveling abroad

When traveling abroad, having a crayon might not seem like an essential item to pack, but it can actually come in handy in several ways. Here are four advantages of having a crayon when traveling abroad:

Easy and accessible communication

Trying to communicate with someone who speaks a different language can be challenging, but with a crayon, you can write down what you mean in a way that’s easy to understand.

You can use it to draw pictures or write down key phrases, such as the name of your hotel or a request for directions, making it an effective tool for quick and easy communication.

Creative entertainment

Long flights and bus rides can be tedious, especially for younger travelers. A crayon can provide hours of entertainment and creativity, allowing you or your children to draw, color or write stories. In addition to passing the time, this activity promotes creativity and imagination.

Making memories

While traveling, you’ll want to capture memories you can look back on for years. A crayon can be used to jot down notes, draw pictures, or make sketches of the sights, activities, and people you encounter on your trip.

Whether it’s a quick sketch of a beautiful sunset or a doodle of your favorite meal, these small memories can add up to create a detailed picture of your travels.

Personalization and creativity

Crayons are versatile tools that can add a personal touch to almost anything. You can use them to decorate postcards, create unique souvenirs, or personalize your travel journal or scrapbook.

Using a crayon, you can create something truly your own and reflect on your unique experiences while traveling abroad.


Having a crayon in your wallet while traveling can be a great help in many situations. Aside from being lightweight and compact, it is also capable of marking, igniting, and transferring information during difficult or emergency situations. So next time you’re packing for a trip, remember to toss a crayon in your wallet! You never know if you need it in some odd situations. 

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