How to fix luggage handle

Luggage handles are one of those things that can easily break, and when they do, it’s a pain to try and fix them. Be careful and throw away your suitcase because the handle or other pieces are broken. You can easily save yourself from this common mistake by repairing it! Most of the time, fixing a luggage handle is an easy task that will take up little of your time or money. But with a bit of know-how, it’s relatively easy to repair a broken luggage handle. Here’s a quick guide on how to fix a luggage handle.

Luggage mechanisms may seem simple, but often they can be unreliable and even break. It’s no wonder many travelers experience difficulty becoming stuck or damaged over time.

Find out the issue

To fix the luggage handle, the first step is to identify the issue. To start, ensure that the tab of your handle is responsive. It is also easy to press down, as well as if held firmly in its holder.

To carefully investigate the source of your issue, open the suitcase and inspect the handle sliders on its back. Observe if they are twisted or damaged in any form. Next, check that the pins remain bouncy and resilient.

The handle can be stuck in an open position or in a closed position.

Mostly we face two issues regarding handling problems. sometimes our handle is stuck in an open position. We tried to press the button and close it. But it’s not happened. Another problem is opening the handle. The handle was stuck in a closed position, we are trying to open it, buts it was stuck.

If Handle stuck in a closed position

The solution is straightforward. Take a flat-headed screwdriver and slide it between the tab at the back of the frame to loosen it. This should then cause your device to return to functioning normally again! This is perfectly shown in the following video.

handle stuck in closed position

if Handle stuck in an open position

If you’re having trouble with your telescopic handle being stuck in the open position, it could be due to two potential causes. The pins inside the telescopic handle could have become jammed or lodged into their respective holes.

luggage handle stuck in open position

Alternatively, there may not be enough contact between the trigger mechanism and poles for proper operation. In any case, examining these components should help determine what needs to be done to resolve this issue.

Related: How Much Luggage Can I Take on International Flight – 2023 Guide

A solution to fix the luggage handle in an open position

  • All that is needed to complete this sellotape. It doesn’t matter which tape you use, although if you want a long-lasting fix, it is preferable to use thick transparent tape or one made for electrical wire insulation.
  • Open your bag
  • You should notice a zip on the side of the luggage where the telescoping handle is located.
  • To access the telescopic system, we must unravel the fabric that divides our clothes from the shell of our luggage and carefully take it down.
  • Verify that you can see the telescoping handle’s guidelines.
  • Find the pins holding the handle in place.
  • Determine which pin is stuck by pressing the handle’s button. We need to use our quick repair to regain that side.
  • Sometimes, the handles become so lodged within their designated slots that they can’t be moved.
  • The perfect answer to this problem? Sellotape! Wind the tape around the holes, making it impossible for pins to enter them. This way, they will remain locked inside its telescopic hole – a simple and effective solution!

Another method to fix the luggage handle

Open up your luggage and find the screws that hold the handle in place 

Are you facing a broken luggage handle? Don’t fret; it is easy to fix it! Just open up your luggage and find the screws that hold the handle in place. Then use a screwdriver to remove the screws and carefully remove the handle.

You can replace it with a new handle if you have one or take it with you to buy a replacement. After that, screw back in the holder with your existing screws, being careful not to overtighten them, and you should be good to go! Fixing your luggage saves money and time – so keep this how-to handy in case you need it!

Remove the screws with a screwdriver 

Did you get a broken suitcase that’s ready to fall apart? Don’t despair! Removing the screws with a screwdriver is an easy and reliable way to fix any luggage handle. Whether you’re traveling, moving, or simply cleaning out around the house, don’t worry about the wear and tear on your stuff.

Indeed, take it as an opportunity to brush up on your handyman skills and save a few bucks by doing it yourself. So get yourself a screwdriver and some screws, and let’s get to work! Your bags will be as good as new in no time.

Take out the old handle and insert the new one 

Fix a broken luggage handle can be easier than you would expect! All you need to do is take out the old one and insert the new one. This process won’t take too long, and with the right tools, it’s pretty simple – remove the screws that attach your old handle to the bag and then use those tools to attach the new handle.

Whether your luggage has lost its ability to zip up or has become too cumbersome without a fixed handle, this how-to guide will help you get your carry-on back in perfect working order in no time!

Screw in the new handle with the screws you removed earlier 

To fix a broken luggage handle doesn’t require specialized tools, just a Phillips head screwdriver, and the screws you removed earlier. All you need to do is line up the new handle with the holes it came with and then inserted the screws.

To ensure they stay secure, give each at least one full turn while tightening until they are firmly attached, then move on to the next. With this easy how-to guide, you’ll never have to struggle with a broken handle on your luggage again!

Close up your luggage and enjoy your new, sturdy handle!

You’ve just bought a new luggage handle, and you’re eager to put it to use. Replacing your old, broken handle with this new one is simple – locate the screws on both sides of the bag and unscrew them.

Once the screws are removed, remove the old handle and insert your brand-new one. Put the screws back in securely, and voilà! Enjoy how great your suitcase looks with a sturdy new handle that keeps up with all your travels.

Final Words

Don’t dump your ‘broken’ suitcase in the trash just yet – I’m confident you can find a fix if you take some time to examine and explore. Remember, luggage handles are relatively simple mechanisms, but they do have specific points that may malfunction over time. With a bit of effort, however, you’ll be able to repair your handle and continue using your bag!


Can the handle on the luggage be fixed?

Yes, the handle on the luggage can be fixed. Depending on the type of luggage and handle, many different repair options are available. Some handles may need to be replaced entirely or tightened with nuts and bolts. Other handles require special tools, such as pliers or screwdrivers, for simple adjustments and repairs.

Is it worth it to repair luggage?

Whether your bag is worth repairing greatly depends on its price. Generally, the more expensive luggage is better off being repaired than replaced due to its high value. On the other hand, bags with a lower cost may be more economical if you buy another one.

How can I prevent luggage handle damage?

To prevent luggage handle damage, choose luggage with sturdy handles and high-quality materials. Handle your luggage with care, avoid overpacking, and refrain from forcing the handle into unusual positions.

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